We accept volunteers at Vanastree based on need and circumstance. Our preferred volunteers have typically been folks from the Friends of Vanastree circle, or those who have connected with us through a known link and personal reference. We welcome up to two volunteers at a time in the Malnad and Mysuru regions who can visit for a minimum of a week. Work will depend on the season, our own activities at that time, the skills the volunteer comes with, and what s/he would like to do. We charge a boarding and lodging fee to cover logistic and other costs. Applications are vetted in advance to ensure a good match and that expectations both ways are realistic.
I felt warmth and affection, and an inclusion into their world that only Vanastree could have provided me with. I feel extremely grateful for one of the most meaningful experiences ever.
—Shruthi N.S., Vanastree volunteer 2013